Purdue OWL : Is it Plagiarism Yet?
Visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab for more information on plagiarism and citations.
MLA Style Center : Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty
Provides a concise understanding of plagiarism
This website provides a thorough explanation of plagiarism and its implications. Many additional resources are provided for student use.
Passage from Gods, Goddesses, and Monsters by Sheila Keenan (23):
Japan's mythology celebrates two important concepts: nature and nation.
Example of student work: Two important concepts that are celebrated in Japanese mythology are nature and nation.
Passage from the book Gods, Goddesses, and Monsters by Sheila Keenan:
No one had a greater impact on the Western world than the Greeks.
Example of student work: According to Keenan, Greeks impacted the Western world more than any other civilization (57).