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Welcome to the Quabbin Media Center: YA Reads


Book Spotlight

An orphan.
An outcast.
A prince.

And a killer who will bring an empire to its knees

Told in alternating voices, three teens, whose fates intertwine to stop the murder of innocent children, journey across two warring nations to ensure a better future for their people.

- Goodreads

Which graphic novel would you like to see in the library
Between Shades of Grey: 5 votes (8.93%)
Dune: 2 votes (3.57%)
Moon Cakes: 4 votes (7.14%)
Graceling: 1 votes (1.79%)
Teen Titans : Raven: 3 votes (5.36%)
Deadly Class: 3 votes (5.36%)
All of them!: 38 votes (67.86%)
Total Votes: 56

Book Trailers

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eBooks & Audiobooks on Sora

Did you know you can read and listen to popular YA eBooks onto your personal device or chromebook through the Sora App? 

Here are a few great titles you can download today: