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Groner/Barringer - Ancient Egypt: Social Classes

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Database Articles

Ancient Egypt: 3000–332 BCE: Social Class System and the Economy (UXL World Eras) : Covers social classes from early and later periods in Ancient Egypt; royal classes, non-royal classes, the working class, soldiers, artisans, and religious occupations are discussed.

Social Class System and The Economy: Overview (World Eras) : Discusses social classes from the top to the bottom of society, wages, labor and occupations, land ownership, and social hierarchy throughout the different periods in Egypt.

Farmers and Peasants (World Eras) : Briefly describes what life was like for farmers and peasants in Ancient Egypt.

Slaves (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt) : Explains some of the misconceptions of what it meant to be a slave in Ancient Egypt.

Website Articles

Jobs in Ancient Egypt (World History Encyclopedia) : Describes the Egyptian economy, upper-class jobs, lower-class jobs, the pyramid builders, servants, soldiers, entertainers, and farmers.

What Was Life Like for the Ancient Egyptians (BBC: Bitesize) : Briefly covers jobs, homes, and food in Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian Social Structure (CommonLit) : Explains the stratification of Egyptian society, highlighting the role of the pharaohs, nobles, soldiers, bureaucracy, farmers, peasants, and slaves.

Social Structure in Ancient Egypt (World History Encyclopedia) : Detailed article covers the Egyptian social hierarchy and classes, from the very top held by the king/pharaoh to the bottom held by peasants and slaves.

Daily Life in Ancient Egypt (World History Encyclopedia) : Debunks some of the myths surrounding Ancient Egyptian culture, covering population and social classes, homes and furnishings, crime and punishment, family and leisure life, festivals, food, and clothing.

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Social Classes

social classes in ancient EgyptClick to View
Fig. 1. Social Classes in Ancient Egypt.

Sennedjem in the Afterlife
Fig. 2. Sennedjem in the Afterlife.

Egyptian Workers
 Fig. 3. Egyptian Workers.


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