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Groner/Barringer - Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egypt's Wars

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Database Articles

Battle of Qadesh (World Eras) : Highlights the records of the Battle of Qadesh under Ramses II. Discusses how the Egyptian army was equipped, how they attacked, and how they tricked the Hittites.

Weapons and Armor (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt) : Notes the specific weapons, types of armor, and when they were used in Egyptian history.

Military (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt) : Describes soldier's armor, weapons, military leaders, and divisions within the Egyptian army.

Soldiers (World Eras) : Succinct article describes the role of a solider, including how they were paid, addressed, and their positions within the military.

Chariots (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt) : Shares how chariots were introduced into Egypt, and how they were used and incorporated in Egyptian battles. 

Ancient Egypt: 3000–332 BCE: Politics, Law, and the Military (UXL World Eras) : Discuss law and justice in the military, the use of forts as means of protection, and provides a primary source account from a military commander.

Website Articles

The Military (Canadian Museum of History) : Discusses the importance of the military in expansion and maintaining sovereignty. 

Egyptian Warriors (DK Find Out!) : Provides a brief account of Egyptian warriors.

9 Ancient Egyptian Weapons and Tools That Powered the Pharaoh's Army ( : Describes the major weapons used in battle during the height of Egyptian power. 

Soldiers (PBS) : Article provides a solid overview of the Egyptian military, from its chain of command, to the daily of life of a solider, and much more!

Ancient Egypt - Customized Search Engine

Egyptian War Chariot in Action
Fig. 1. Egyptian War Chariot in Action, 2020.

Egyptian Soldiers
Fig. 2. Egyptian Soliders, 2016.


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