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Groner/Barringer - Ancient Egypt: Agriculture in Ancient Egypt

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Database Articles

Gardens (World Eras) : Describes what gardens were like in Ancient Egypt, including what they were used for, what they produced, and why they were productive.

Plants and Flowers (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt) : Discusses the way plants and flowers were used in Ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egypt: 3000–332 BCE: Leisure, Recreation, and Daily Life (UXL World Eras) : Scroll down to the subtitle "Food" to learn about the types of products that were produced and consumed in Ancient Egypt.

Website Articles

Life on the Nile (DK Find Out!) : This resource briefly describes the importance of the Nile River to agriculture at the time. It includes an interactive image to explore the lay of the land in Ancient Egypt.

Food (Canadian Museum of History) : Article provides an understanding of how geography played a vital role in Egyptian agriculture. It also touches upon the role of the farmer, crops produced, and how hunting and fishing contributed to the economy.

Why Was Farming Important to the Egyptians (BBC Bitesize) : Describes Egyptian seasons and how they affected harvests, what farming was like in Ancient Egypt, as well as a video to supplement this information. 

Farming (PBS) : Shares Ancient Egyptian farming technology and the benefits of that come  with living on the banks of the Nile.

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Fig. 1. Plowing Egyptian Farmer, 2012.


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