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Students will construct a newspaper containing three articles related to Ancient Greece.


Students will pretend they're living in Ancient Greece and construct a newspaper containing three articles related to the time period.


  • Always write in the PRESENT TENSE. Although this is an "Ancient" Greek newspaper, we are pretending that we are living in this time. So make sure to write as if the news is happening NOW.
  • Each article should include as many of the 5 W's as possible, as genuine newspapers do. (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)
  • Headlines need an image to draw the reader's interest. Be creative. Newspaper cannot stay in business if no one wants to buy them so keep this in mind when writing your headlines. Headlines often state the main idea of the article.
  • All information must be checked for accuracy.

AASL Standards

  • IV.A.2 Learners will act on an information need by identifying possible sources of information

  • IV.A.3 Learners will act on an information need by making critical choices about information sources to use

  • IV.D.1. Learners select and organize information for a variety of audiences by performing ongoing analysis of and reflection on the quality, usefulness, and accuracy of curated resources

  • VI.B.2. Learners use valid information and reasoned conclusions to make ethical decisions in the creation of knowledge by acknowledging authorship and demonstrating respect for the intellectual property of others.

Project Checklist

  1. Title - Think of a creative newspaper title that would be appropriate with the Ancient Greek theme and type it in the Newspaper Title section.
  2. Date - Directly under the title, type in the date. (Don’t forget, we are writing this in ancient times so the date will reflect this-use BC or BCE after the year.)
  3. Articles - Choose three topics that your readers would find interesting. You will write a short newspaper article for each topic. These topics must relate to life in Ancient Greece and must be written as if you are living during those times. Some suggestions:
  • Economics - Select a topic related to the Greek Economy.
  • Politics - Choose a specific Greek leader and write about him.
  • Construction - Write about the latest update on the buildings in Greece.
  • Social Classes - Pretend you are a certain member of the Greek social class.  Write about your lifestyle or an issue that is affecting you.
  • Religion - Write an article describing one of the many gods in this polytheistic society or write about religious ceremony
  • Other - Choose any other topic you think would make an enjoyable and informative newspaper article.
  • Weather - Write a weather report that accurately describes the climate of Ancient Greece for that particular upcoming week.

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