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Groner/Barringer - Ancient Greece: Step #4 : Add a Note Card

Students will construct a newspaper containing three articles related to Ancient Greece.



  1. Select Noodletools project. Click on the "Notecard" tab on the left hand side of the page.
  2. Click on the the green "New Notecard" button on the top right of the page.
  3. Give your notecard a title and select the source you're taking notes from under the dropdown "Source."
  4. Take notes and place information from the text into the proper box that reflects the type of information you're recording (i.e. quote, summary, original thinking).
  5. Add bullets, numbers, pictures, and other formatting tools into your notecards to keep your work organized.
  6. Organize your notecards into different "piles" by topic through "Tabletop View" under "Notecards," and color code your notes to further organize your research. Click on "Detail View" to browse all of your notecards at once. Continue onto Step #6: Export Your Work to Google Docs.