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Groner/Barringer - Ancient Greece: Construction

Students will construct a newspaper containing three articles related to Ancient Greece.

Search the Databases

Books in the Library

Database Articles

Greek Architecture (Arts and Humanities Through the Eras) - covers Greek building techniques and significant architecture from the era.

Temples (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece) - discusses the construction of temples in Ancient Greece.

Architecture, Greek (Ancient Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia for Students) - describes architectural styles and construction of temples and homes in Ancient Greece.

Parthenon (Ancient Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia for Students) - highlights the history, construction, and architectural design of the Parthenon in Athens. 

Web Articles

The Parthenon (DK) - brief overview of the construction of the Parthenon; includes an interactive image to explore the structure.

The Acropolis (DK) - explains the function of the acropolis in towns & cities in Ancient Greece; includes a model of an acropolis to explore.

Art & Architecture (Universal Artists) - shares information on the acropolis, the Parthenon, Greek pottery, sculpture, art, and architecture.

Customized Search Engine - Ancient Greece


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