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Groner/Barringer - Ancient Greece: Religion

Students will construct a newspaper containing three articles related to Ancient Greece.

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Books in the Library

Database Articles

Religion (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece) - describes the major role religion played in Greek life. 

Greek Mythology (UXL Encyclopedia of World Mythology) - covers the core deities and characters in Greek mythology; includes major myths, themes and symbols.

Gods & Goddesses (World Eras) - includes a description of the major deities in Greek mythology.

Underworld (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece) - discusses the beliefs and concepts surrounding the afterlife, or where the spirits of the dead went when they passed on.

Web Articles

Who Were the Ancient Greek Gods and Heroes (BBC) - describes Greek temples, Greek heroes, the Underworld, and includes an interactive picture to explore the major Greek gods.

Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses (DK) - general overview of the religious beliefs of Ancient Greeks; includes an interactive picture to learn more about each of the major Greek Gods.

Gods and Goddesses (British Museum) - learn about the major Greek gods and goddesses, along with their associated symbols, stories, places, and festivals.

The Oracle at Delphi (DK) - brief explanation of the Oracle at Delphi; includes an interactive picture to learn more.

Customized Search Engine - Ancient Greece


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