Music & Dance (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece) - describes when music was played, when dancing took place, and the instruments that were used in Ancient Greece.
Hunting (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece) - article shares the main purposes for hunting, popular techniques, and game that was hunted.
Clothing (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece) - highlights popular clothing styles in Ancient Greece.
Food and Drink (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece) - discusses the food and drink of Ancient Greece.
Doctors and Medicine (The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece) - describes the practice of medicine in Ancient Greece.
Olympic Games (Ancient Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia for Students) - covers the history of the Olympiad and the events that took place.
Theaters (Ancient Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia for Students) - explains the significance of the theatre in Greek life.
Technological Advances and Innovations (World Eras) - describes advances in construction techniques, ship building, military innovations, and the introduction of coinage in Ancient Greece.
The Olympic Games (DK) - overview of the Olympic Games; includes an interactive picture to learn more.
What Did Ancient Greeks Eat? (DK) - concise article with interactive picture shares what the Ancient Greeks ate and drank.
Ancient Greek Clothes (DK) - brief overview of Ancient Greek fashion trends; includes an interactive image to explore more about the topic.
The Ancient Greeks at War (BBC) - discusses fighting formations, Greek warships, the Spartan state, and includes interactive images about famous Greek battles.