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Pelletier/Castriotta : Considering Early Ideas of Government: Home

Students research a political thinker and role play their historical figure in a classroom discussion.


1. Students will research and develop a deep understanding of one political thinker’s ideas on government and society, and be able to portray that thinker in a role play discussion.

2. Students will engage in both structured and unstructured academic conversations with their peers in the form of a role-play discussion on topics related to government and political philosophy.

3. Students will reflect on their own successes and challenges in engaging in this project based learning experience, and consider what influential ideas on government most resonated with them.


Before proceeding, click on the Britannica School icon below to gain access to our library database. By clicking on the icon, you'll be able to view direct links from the Britannica School database that are shared throughout the guide


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Use this LibGuide to research your political thinker, filling in your World Thinker Student Research Template as you go. 

  • The resources included in this guide were selected from library databases and the web to help you complete your template and represent your figure in the role playing exercise. 
  • Thinkers are organized based on the their geographical location (see blue tabs).


Wikiquotes is a website to search "sourced quotations from notable people and creative works in every language and translations of non-English quotes." 

  • On Wikiquote, type your thinker's name in the search bar and scroll down to see their quotes.

Click Icon

Fig. 1. Wikiquote Logo.